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A lot of updates are currently happening on the website, thank you for being patience and stay tuned in our social media for events dates!
Please visit us every First Friday of the month at Mainframe Studios from 5pm to 8pm or schedule an appointment to visit us!
900 Keosauqua Way, Des Moines, IA 50309 Suite #406
Please contact us at piedrashaseya@gmail.com for repairs or special requests.
Thank you so much for your support and happy winter!

Gift card full of joy!
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About the designer and Piedras Haseya
Welcome to my shop Piedras Haseya!
My name is Paola Elena Acuña, I was born and raised in Costa Rica and I am currently based in Iowa, United States.
I have always had a passion for handmade adornments, since I was a little girl, I always had admiration for artisans of my country, specially those who make handmade jewelry with raw materials such as coconut and seeds. Every single piece of jewelry I own is handcrafted by a passionate designer and small business owner.
Why Piedras Haseya?
Piedras is translated as Stones, or rock in Spanish.
Haseya means "She rises" or To Rise Up" in Diné, the language of the Navajo native people, located mainly in the region of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah.
Haseya is a divine feminine power that represents the importance of unity in darker times, we rise above when we lift each other up. At Piedras Haseya, we take pride on serving and supporting other artisans from different countries who own a small business. By purchasing with us, you are also supporting other indigenous, hispanic, women, and black owned small businesses and people in need.
I am in love and totally dedicated to my work, you’re not only wearing a bracelet. you’re wearing love, you’re wearing support, you’re wearing unity, you’re wearing strength, you’re wearing positivity, you’re wearing joy, you're wearing humility, you’re wearing friendship, you’re wearing positive energy, you’re wearing passion, you’re wearing gratitude. You’re wearing all of that because that’s what I put into them, and that’s what I receive from them. Let’s rise above all together!!
All Praises to The Most High, I give thanks to our father Yah for allowing me to do what I love, create with my hands, and to serve those in need. Amen.